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Випуск IPDET, присвячений Україні

Фото автора: Лариса ПильгунЛариса Пильгун

Оновлено: 29 трав. 2022 р.

Dear Evaluation Community,

the world is a different one since last week! We stand side by side with our Ukrainian friends! The threat to freedom concerns whole Europe, and the danger of a nuclear war is real. Evaluation is the result of democratic structures and stands for freedom of speech, transparency, and truth. Let’s do everything possible to support our Ukrainian fellows and our governments to stop the war! Please see the official appeal of the Ukrainian Evaluation Association:

Please see the official appeal of the Ukrainian Evaluation Association and the Statement of the European Evaluation Society here:

How we can support:

If you have possibility to offer shelter for Ukrainian refugees:

Any kind of support of Ukraine is well appreciated.

Evaluation must be further strengthened, and Evaluation Capacities further developed. The IPDET 2022 program will be officially launched on March 8! This IPDET year will be filled with online workshops on cutting edge evaluation topics, social events, Global Outreach activities, and finally once again, with an attractive onsite program in Bern, if the situation in Europe allows. Please find further information below, don`t miss to apply asap and take advantage of early bird and group discounts or apply for a scholarship if you are eligible!

Looking forward to see you in our IPDET Kick-Off Event on March 8, 1:00-2:15pm. Check out the Agenda below and register here!

Yours sincercely,

Stefanie Krapp (Head of Program)

ON-SITE PROGRAM | July 11 to 22, 2022 at the University of Bern, Switzerland

You can choose to participate in the full 2-weeks program, or only in the one-week Core Course on fundamentals of evaluation, or in one or two workshops in the second week:

Further information:

APPLY NOW in 2 Steps:

1. Create an account or log in HERE

2. Under "My IPDET" please follow “APPLY FOR THE PROGRAM”

Please take our COVID-19 requirements into account.

Deadline for scholarship application is March 18!

ONLINE WORKSHOPS | April - November 2022

Check out the online workshops IPDET offers throughout the year:

Please be aware that you can only apply for one scholarship.

The first 2 online workshops are coming up soon:

Quantitative Impact Evaluation

When? May 25 – 29 | For whom? Comissioners, Evaluators, Policy Makers, Practitioners

Scholarship Application Deadline: April 4

Selfpayer Application Deadline: April 1

This workshop by Claudia Maldonado is a user-friendly introduction to quantitative impact evaluation methods (experimental & quasi-experimental), their scope and limitations. It provides a guided tour of complex methodologies for those who do not have – nor want to acquire – advanced training in statistics, but need to grasp fundamentals of impact evaluation methodology.

Are experimental methods the gold standard of evaluation? Are other methods valid and useful to answer questions about impact? What does that mean and why should we care? If you are interested in impact evaluation, but too afraid (of math and statistical formulae) to ask, this is the workshop for you. See details here:

Monitoring and evaluating the SDGs: challenges and proposed solutionsBy Wolfgang Meyer

When? May 16 – 20 | For whom? Evaluators, Practitioners

Scholarship Application Deadline: April 15

Selfpayer Application Deadline: April 18

This workshop by Wolfgang Meyer introduces system thinking and system analysis as important tools for Monitoring and Evaluation of SDGs. It highlights kinds of multi-level approaches, including marginalized voices like women or indigenous people. A special focus is set on long-term transitions of systems towards sustainability. This is especially discussed in the field of climate change but also relevant in the economic and in the social system. The workshop also provides some insides into the state of the art of national SDG-reporting. Primarily it is about national monitoring and evaluation systems, spotting on already existing national evaluation policies and practices. See details here:

IPDET 2022 Kick-Off Event | Agenda

Register HERE

Stay tuned ! We will keep you posted on

Evaluation training opportunities in German!

IPDET and the German-speaking Evaluation Training Programs are the two pillars of the Evaluation Department at the Center for Continuing Education ZUW at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Upcoming courses (virtual and onsite if possible):

Wirkungsmessung für Non-Profit Organisationen, June 6, 2022, detailed information HERE

More information on

IPDET is an executive training program in development evaluation managed by the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Bern, the Center for Evaluation and the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank. IPDET is a proud partner of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI).

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