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BetterEvaluation is an international collaboration to improve the practice and theory of evaluation. We create and curate information on choosing and using evaluation methods and processes, including managing evaluations and strengthening evaluation capacity.

USAID leads international development and humanitarian efforts to save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance and help people progress beyond assistance.

Visit our Evaluation Showcase to see featured evaluations or search them by topic or by country via an interactive map. If you cannot use the map application, you may select a country from the list below.

The Office of Evaluation coordinates and conducts evaluations of FAO programmes and projects at the global, regional and national levels to ensure that interventions align strategically to the needs of the Organization and its stakeholders and produce the desired results. FAO conducts its evaluations with the involvement of relevant stakeholders to ensure that the evaluations are relevant and useful to the local communities and to strengthen the capacity of national stakeholders to conduct credible and result-oriented evaluations.

Evaluations in FAO assess activities, projects, programmes, strategies and policies and provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful for timely incorporation into decision-making processes.

The purpose of the UNFPA Evaluation Database is to make publicly available evaluation reports conducted by or for UNFPA, available to the broad public. The database is regularly updated with reports from Country Offices, Regional Offices or Headquarters Units. Reports are searchable by thematic keyword, by UNFPA mandate area and by country.

The UNFPA Evaluation Database is managed by the Evaluation Office, and independent corporate evaluation reports and decentralized programme-level evaluation reports are subject to quality assessment by the Evaluation Office. Completed Evaluation Quality Assessments are posted on the database, and an EQA template is also available for reference.

AEA365 is sponsored by the American Evaluation Association (AEA) and is dedicated to highlighting Hot Tips, Cool Tricks, Rad Resources, and Lessons Learned for evaluators. Beginning on January 1, 2010, our goal is to feature a post a day from and for evaluators around the globe.

Сьогодні члени УАО мають унікальну нагоду скористатися можливостями, які пропонує ALNAP –глобальна мережа неурядових організацій, агенцій ООН, донорів, науковців, та консультантів, які опікуються питаннями реагування на гуманітарні кризи. Наразі можна не лише скористатися онлайн бібліотекою ALNAP, а взяти участь у спеціалізованому навчанні, яке буде проводитися для членів УАО. Наразі ми формуємо порядок денний спільних активностей. Пропозиції щодо тем навчання, тренінгів, обміну досвідом від ALNAP прохання надсилати на адресу Важливо: ALNAP опікується питаннями оцінювання гуманітарних проектів, тож ваші запити мають бути в цій площині. Посилання на веб сторінку 


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