The IOCE represents national and regional Voluntary Organization for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Middle East. It strengthens international evaluation through the exchange of evaluation methods, theories and practice, and promotes good governance and recognition of the value evaluation has in improving peoples’ lives. It is committed to cultural diversity, inclusiveness and bringing different evaluation traditions together in respect of that diversity.
EvalYouth is a global, multi-stakeholder partnership/network that supports and promotes young emerging evaluators (YEEs) and youth-led accountability around the world. EvalYouth is part of the EvalPartners and was established during the Second Global Evaluation Forum in Nepal in November 2015, during the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear).
Місія Університету – сприяти кожному в цілісному розвитку і лідерському становленні, служити людині, громаді, суспільству
Провідний вищий навчально-науковий заклад Криму
IOD PARC is a leading provider of professional consultancy services focusing on monitoring, evaluation and learning, strategy development and organisational development. We have over 20 years’ experience, leading over 1,000 consultancy assignments in more than 100 countries worldwide, working with multilateral organisations, bilateral donors, and international and national NGOs. We work with our clients in a participatory and inclusive manner on all our assignments.
While we have experience of working in Ukraine with local and international actors, our work covers the globe. Thematic and technical areas include:
Triple nexus: we have extensive experience of working with organisations with different mandates on their approaches to the humanitarian-development-peace nexus
Migration and forced displacement: this includes conflict-induced migration and forced displacement.
Conflict and peacebuilding: we have worked with organisations focusing on mine action, conflict mediation, international humanitarian law (IHL), women, peace and security and security sector reform.
WASH and climate change: this includes water resource management, climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI): we have worked with organisations both on gender-specific assignments as well as assignments designed to integrate gender equality and social inclusion more strongly into their existing work.
Health and health systems-strengthening: this includes public health and provision of health services in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.
The mandate of the European Evaluation Society (EES) is to stimulate, guide and promote the theory, practice and utilization of evaluation in Europe and beyond. Our vision is a world where evaluation contributes to human welfare through learning. Specifically, the EES seeks to advance evaluation knowledge and to encourage adoption of good practices by fostering evaluation excellence, independence and partnerships. EES activities aim to support improved enabling environments for evaluation, stronger communities of practice, relevant evaluation research and enhanced evaluation methods.
Мережа центрів соціальних служб м. Києва надає послуги (соціальну та психологічну допомогу, інформаційну підтримку) мешканцям м. Києва,
Швейцарсько-український проект “Підтримка децентралізації в Україні” DESPRO ‒ проект міжнародної технічної допомоги, що працює в сфері реформи місцевого самоврядування (інший термін – «децентралізація») в Україні з 2007 року. Проект фінансується Швейцарською Конфедерацією через Швейцарську агенцію розвитку та співробітництва (ШБС/SDC) та впроваджується Швейцарським Центром ресурсів та консультацій з питань розвитку (Skat).
PTE is a professional membership organization whose aim is to promote knowledge about evaluation and support activities leading to the integration and strengthening of the evaluation community in Poland. PTE achieves its aims by implementing a multi-year Action Plan approved by its members during the General Assembly meeting. The Polish Evaluation Society (PTE) was founded in 2000 by persons involved and interested in evaluation. Its mission is: - to promote the development of a culture and practice of evaluation, - to organize and integrate the evaluation community, - to propagate knowledge about evaluation to ensure quality evaluation research and activities
INESAN (Institute of Evaluations and Social Analyzes) is the first private scientific research organization in the field of social sciences founded in the Czech Republic. It was established in accordance with the rules set by the European Union (Community Framework for State Aid for Research, Development and Innovation, 2014/C/198/01) and Act No. 130/2002 Coll., On the Support of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation. It is registered in the List of Research Organizations maintained by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT).