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International conference of the Ukrainian Evaluation Association
Evaluations in challenging time:
rom humanitarian aid to the state policy

23-24 May 2023

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About the conference

Language of the event: Ukrainian/English with simultaneous translation

The format of the conference – online (Zoom-conference)


Participation in the conference is free, prior registration is required via the link: 

Participation in the workshops is free for UEA members, prior registration is required via the link: 

The cost of participation for other participants is UAH 600 (EUR 20) in case of participation in one workshop and UAH 900 (EUR 30) in case of participation in both. 

Please make payment to the account of UEA:

Ukrainian Evaluation Association 



LVIV, Ukraine


Account number: UA 77 325365 0000002600601628935

Purpose of payment: donation

The target audience includes Ukrainian and international evaluation experts, representatives of central authorities and local self-government, representatives of international and donor organizations, civil society, researchers, lecturers, students, etc.

The expected outputs of the conference are: 1) Book of conference abstracts; 2) Conference resolution with conclusions and recommendations for improving M&E of policies, strategies, programs and projects in wartime and post-war; 3) Algorithms of communication with people affected by war.    


May 23, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Kyiv time

11:00 – 15:00:     Plenary session


11:00 – 11:30:      Opening of the conference and welcome remarks

  • Olha Krasovska, Head of the Board, Ukrainian Evaluation Association

  • Tom Ling, President of European Evaluation Society

  • Juliet Parker, ALNAP’s Director, UK

  • Leszek Korporowicz, Honorary President and father-founder of Polish Evaluation Society, Poland 

11:30 – 14:00:     Presentations 

11:30 – 11:45:       The importance of monitoring and evaluation during crisis and war,
                            Larysa Pylgun, Member of the Board, Ukrainian Evaluation Association, Ukraine

11:45 – 12:00:      Humanitarian experience of civil society since 2022,
                            Dmytro Kondratenko, Member of the Board, Ukrainian Evaluation Association, Ukraine

12:00 – 12:15:      Monitoring of war crimes,
                            Mykhailo Savva, Member of the Board, Ukrainian Evaluation Association, Ukraine

12:15 – 12:30:      Current challenges in Ukrainian policymaking: national and regional dimension,
                            Olha Krasovska, Andrij Derkach, Ukrainian Evaluation Association, Ukraine

12:30 – 12:45:     Evaluation of European Structural Funds: Romanian experience,
                            Laura Trofin, Managing Director of QURES QUality REsearch and Support, Romania

12:45 – 13:00:     How to strengthen the role of Evaluation Societies in the policy making:
                             the experience of the Polish Evaluation Society, Monika Bartosewicz-Nizelek,
                             President of the Polish Evaluation Society, Poland

13:00 – 13:15:      Crisis support for Ukraine's economy during the war: lessons from a real time evaluation
                            of the EBRD aid package in 2022, Olga Mrinska, EBRD, Ukraine/UK

13:15 – 13:30:      Adaptation of international standards and guides for monitoring aid projects to Ukraine,
                            Anna Kalyta, M&E specialist, Ukrainian Evaluation Association Member, Ukraine

13:30 – 13:45:     Assessing the quality of higher education in the conditions of war:
                            an indicator of challenges or opportunities? Olexandra Lyashenko,
                            Ukrainian Catholic University, National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, Ukraine

13:45 – 14:00:     The importance of M&E specialists training,
                            Tetyana Liakh, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogics and Social Work,
                            Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine

14:00 – 15:00:    Open discussion. Moderator – Olha Krasovska

15:00 – 15:30:     Break

15:30 – 17:00:     Special session «Evaluations during the war time: lessons learnt»

The purpose of the session is to generalize the experience of implementing and evaluating programmes and projects to help people and territories affected by the war.

The guests of the session are Ukrainian and international specialists who provided assistance to people and territories affected by the war, as well as evaluated the results and impact of humanitarian and international aid during the crisis, war and reconstruction of the territories.

Moderator – Larysa Pylgun, Member of the Board, Ukrainian Evaluation Association, Ukraine

  • Aid to people affected by the war, Mykhailo Savva, Ukraine 

  • Restoration of destroyed housing in rural areas: housing is the tip of the iceberg, Maria Lemberg, Ukraine

  • Assistance to veterans: All4one, Lyubov Margolina, Ukraine 

  • The experience of providing humanitarian aid during and after the acute phase of war: important lessons of humanitarian work, Jarek Bittel, Poland

  • Assessing the humanitarian crisis: some key findings, Kasem El Saddiq, Canada

  • How information on the Internet affects the perception of events in a country outside its borders, Natalie Nougairede, France

May 24, 2023, 12:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Kyiv time

12:00 – 14:00: Workshop ‘Case studies of working in partnership in evaluation’ 

Organizer:     IOD PARC, UK

Facilitators:    Sarah Bolger, Roeland Hemsteede, Ima Bishop, IOD PARC, UK

The workshop run by IOD PARC will focus on the theme of localisation, working with and including local actors in the monitoring and evaluation process. 

The workshop will cover a brief overview of the concept of localisation, as well as examples of assignments working with local partners and organisations. This will include a case study approach to highlighting these examples. We will also ensure time for group discussions, allowing for participants to share their thoughts and experiences with a focus on the future to support improvements in applying key localisation concepts. 

15:00 – 17:00: Workshop ‘How evaluation can help to build a bridge between business and authorities’

Organizer:     Institute for Development Impact, USA.


  • Jovana Bulatovic, Institute for Development Impact, USA

  • Natalia Yakymchuk, International Republican Institute, USA/Ukraine


Participants will gain insights on how to most effectively engage private sector organizations during public policy evaluations. The session will cover the entire evaluation cycle, including the design, implementation, use, and dissemination of the evaluation  and evaluation results. Presenters will discuss mechanisms for improving stakeholder participation and some of the most common evaluation approaches used to measure policy effectiveness. 

17:00 – 18:00: Annual Meeting of Ukrainian Evaluation Association members (closed event)

Conference registration

You can register for the conference

Submit theses to the conference


Volume - no more than 500 words.

The term is until May 10, 2023.

The duration of the performance is up to 30 minutes. ​

Presentations on the results of the evaluation of programs and projects aimed at war-affected people and territories are welcome.


Discuss participating in the session "Lessons on Evaluation in Wartime"

Discuss other issues of the conference, +380679934116 (Larysa Pylgun)


Membership in the Association is voluntary and individual. Members of the UEA can be adult citizens of Ukraine, stateless persons and foreigners legally staying in the territory of Ukraine.

To obtain membership in the UEA it is necessary 

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Charter of the UEA.

  2. Fill out and sign in personstatement.

  3. Signedstatementsend (in scanned form) to e-mail: 

  4. Fill out the electronic questionnaire:

  5. Wait for the approval of the application by the Board of UEA. 

  6. Pay the membership fees (600 hryvnias) according to the details (after receiving the notification of acceptance):

        Ukrainian Evaluation Association


       р/р: UA 77 325365 0000002600601628935

       Призначення платежу: "членський внесок за [рік] від [прізвище]"

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