UEA projects
Strengthening of decentralization in Ukraine
The project is implemented by a large team of Ukrainian evaluation specialists
About the project
Project products:
"Expert opinion on the system of monitoring and evaluation of the Concept of reforming local self-government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine" L. Pylgun
"Expert opinion on the system of monitoring and evaluation of the State Social Program against human trafficking for the period until 2020" L. Pylgun
"Expert opinion on the system of monitoring and evaluation of the State targeted socio-economic program for the construction (purchase) of affordable housing for 2010-2017" L. Pylgun
"Expert opinion on the system of monitoring and evaluation of the State targeted social program "Youth of Ukraine" for 2016-2020" L. Pylgun
"Expert opinion on the system of monitoring and evaluation of the National strategy for promoting the development of civil society in Ukraine for 2016-2020" L. Pylgun
"Monitoring and evaluation of the activities of Ukrainian authorities" by M. Savva
Development and implementation at the national level of professional activity standards for evaluating policies, programs and projects
About the project
Project products
Evaluation standards and professional standards
Glossary of monitoring and evaluation terms - 2nd edition
International video conference "International experience of professionalization of evaluation of policies, programs and projects"
Swiss Cooperation Bureau in Ukraine
Development and agreement of the main terms of monitoring and evaluation
About the project
The product of the project (the result of the joint work of the Ukrainian Evaluation Association and the Center "Social Indicators"):
Glossary of monitoring and evaluation terms