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This year UEA members participated in IPDET not only as trainees but also as trainers

Фото автора: Александра БарсуковаАлександра Барсукова

Оновлено: 16 жовт. 2024 р.

Olha Krasovska and Liubov Margolina took part in professional workshops and Dmytro Kondratenko co-delivered the workshop ‘Evaluating Humanitarian Action: Steps, Challenges, and Real-time Learning’:

Ukrainian Evaluation Association also hosted an Informal exchange ‘Open Forum: Evaluating Humanitarian Action’ where all interested participants could learn about humanitarian evaluations and activities of Ukrainian Evaluation Association.

The International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) is an executive training program that aims to provide decision-makers, managers and practitioners with the tools and skills to commission, manage and implement policy, program or project evaluations at local, national, regional, and global levels as well as to use those evaluations for decision-making. IPDET sets a great focus on practice and provides a diversified approach for audiences from different organizations and sectors who play different roles in the evaluation process. More about IPDET 

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